sábado, 14 de mayo de 2011

Media 2.0
The future of television is in multimedia services. Current models are not limited to providing a
exceptional quality but also seek to provide the user from the couch at home and through a remote
remote access to both Internet information as to the content of external devices installed in the

Since last year, Samsung offers these possibilities, the interesting thing is that now integrates everything under
Name of Media 2.0, adding new features that make it more complete and attractive.

Thus, with the new Internet TV, formerly known as InfoLive, Now Smart TV, you have access to many more widgets, not only informative (news, weather ...) but also entertainment (Yahoo Sports, YouTube, Flickr ...). Also now allowed to be updated, not previously possible, either via online or through your own USB flash drive. Similar Content Library undergoes renovation, which adds to its current 5 channels, the ability to update with new content, in addition to administering the sections, to your taste, from the menu.

Regarding the USB 2.0 movie, the novelty is that it allows to modify the information contained in the USB connected external dispositions and compatible codecs that support is now much larger. Finally, we are DLNA certified, which now enables you to have your dispositions also connected to the TV wirelessly through a USB WiFi adapter (802.11n).

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